Thursday 20 September 2012


Cover letter

My preferred job in IT would be a Multimedia Developer. As a multimedia developer you are required to use personal computers to create and manipulate graphic animations, images,  sound, text and video into programs with instructional aswell graphic strategies. These programs are then used to produce cd's, information  presentations, websites and entertainment issues. To be suitable for this job you need to have an ability to work in a team, be creative, have technical and logic skills, and also be able to communicate with clients as-well as team members.
I believe I am a very good n creative person this would mean i would believe I am best suited for this IT career. I consider myself very creative type person and I can utilise my creative skills on the computer also on paper with layout digrams etc:  I have shown my creative skills in area of study 2 unit 2 when making the programs because I always tried to make my programs visually good and also in unit 2 outcome 1 when we were required to make a bubble chart as part of our assessment\. I made the chart look very good and creative appealing. I can also work well in a group as I demonstrated in unit 1 outcome 3 when we had to pair up in a group of 4 and create a solution for a client. We could have got a better mark but ahh well.
Skills that i have learnt are that i have gained from unit 1 and 2, which are related to this job, are when we were creating the website for unit 1 outcome 3 I learned how to design a website by first making a site map and also a layout diagram of the website. In unit 2 outcome 2 I learned how to make programs on the visual basics program. I learnt how to code and I also learnt how to design a program by making a layout diagram first as well as the TOE chart and Psuedocode chart.
By doing all of this i think i would be a great Multimedia manager
thankyou and good night
i am a boss

reflection rock paper scissors

I think i tryed to make this program work with somehow coding it and making it suceeed.
on the layout diagram you can clearly see where i wanted my icons and buttons to be placed.
the codes also work.
the toe chart shows exactly what is ment to happen when the selected button is pressed

rock paper scissors prgramm

the programm!!!1

TOE chart

my TOE chart

Layout Diagram - Rock, paper scissors

my layout diagram
i am a boss

Reflection for Lucky Pizza

This program is designed to function as a pizza ordering system for a pizza business

The program is meant to be able calculate the total price of a pizza order. The user enters their name, selects one type of pizza which they may want.. 

I chose to design this  interface as shown as the user can pick the pizza they want very easily.. 

i think i did a good job but probally could have put more effort into it.